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3. SEEing Change at NASA

3. SEEing Change at NASA

In this episode, Dr. Kirschbaum discusses her academic journey and her current role as the Director of the Goddard Space Flight Center’s Earth Science Division at NASA, one of the largest earth science divisions in the world! She currently leads a research team that focuses on disaster research with a specific concentration on landslides and additionally serves as Chief of the Hydrological Sciences Laboratory which focuses on the movement and study of water via satellite observations and models. Dr. Kirschbaum is a Disaster Response Coordinator and works with other NASA centers and stakeholders globally to bring satellite data and products to bear during natural hazard events to improve situational awareness and inform decision making. Learn how Dr. Kirschbaum’s research is not only paving the way for a safer planet but paving the way for women in STEM careers.

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Dalia B Kirschbaum
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