9. SEEing Change when the City Treasurer's Office focuses on social impact

We are honored to welcome the accomplished and inspiring City of Chicago Treasurer, Melissa Conyears-Ervin for this episode of SEEChange.She is the first elected treasurer in over 20 years that was not previously appointed. Serving since 2019, Treasurer Conyears-Ervin
· manages the city’s $10 billion investment portfolio,
· is responsible for maintaining records and accounts of the city’s finances and
· serves on four local pension boards with nearly $25 billion under management.
With an MBA in finance and career that has spanned both the public and private sector, she knows how to get things done.Having grown up on both the South and West of Chicago and the first in her family to go to college, she knows the struggles that these communities face and has identified the structural barriers that impede their ability to become financially empowered. Her upbringing and career path have shaped the social impact lens through which she looks at everything. As City Treasurer, she is in a unique position to help address these barriers and struggles through outreach, inclusion and investing for impact.
We were lucky enough to talk with Madame Treasurer the day after she was elected for her second term in office and got her first hand accounts of the highly publicized mayoral race as well.
She is a sophisticated, eloquent, and determined to make things better for the residents of the city. She loves to share her story and is a shining example and role model of what is possible for her young daughter and all of the youth of Chicago.