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6. SEEing Change When Women Lead

6. SEEing Change When Women Lead

In episode 6, we talk to the incredible Julia Boorstin, CNBC’s Senior Media & Tech Correspondent and Author of the new book When Women Lead. With almost two decades reporting at the cross section of media and technology, she shares her journey as a rising media correspondent and how the news room has evolved for the better. 

As an avid supporter of companies disrupting the status quo and striving for gender equity, she talks about why she is optimistic about the progress that has been made in closing the gender gap and where we still have work to do.   

It is this unique vantage point that inspired her to write her new book, When Women Lead where she tells the stories of 60+ women who defy the odds and transform business, all with data revealing how they did it. 

This episode will leave you feeling hopeful for the future of women in leadership! 

When Women Lead is available now. For information about Julia Boorstin and the book, go to

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