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14. SEEing Change for Women in Higher Ed with Nancy Weiss Malkiel

14. SEEing Change for Women in Higher Ed with Nancy Weiss Malkiel

On this episode, we invited Professor Nancy Weiss Malkiel, the trailblazing historian and author of ‘Keep the Damned Women Out’, to take us back to the late #1960s, a tumultuous time with countless civil rights and social movements, when she was just starting her career in academia. At the age of 25, Malkiel became the first woman to join Princeton University’s history department and one of only three women to join Princeton's faculty overall. 

In this fascinating discussion, Nancy recounts stories about what life for women was like back then and the changes taking place for women at elite higher education institutions. From today's standpoint, it's hard to believe that it's only been 50 years since women were admitted to these elite institutions. Through her stories and her book, ‘Keep the Damned Women Out’, she shares the details and surprising motivations that ultimately led these elite institutions' decisions to go coed.

Malkiel is an extraordinary historian with a rich and unique perspective. She has been on the front lines of the women's movement that has been taking place over the last half-century in academia, business, and society.

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