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13. SEEing Change for Women in Aviation with Erika Armstrong

13. SEEing Change for Women in Aviation with Erika Armstrong

On this episode we welcome the trailblazing pilot and author of 'A Chick in the Cockpit, My Life up in the Air', Erika Armstrong to talk with us about all things aviation!

Armstrong is a commercial airline pilot, editor, aviation journalist, Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, Keynote Speaker, Social Media Superstar, and professor of aviation science.  She is also a published author of the bestselling book A Chick in the Cockpit: My Life Up in the Air

Erika talks about how she “accidentally” found herself in the world of aviation and shares stories from her twenty-five year career in the industry, how it has changed for women over time, and all of the fun, thrilling, frustrating, and sometimes nerve racking, experiences she has had throughout.  

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